Philosophy 120: Symbolic Logic I

Fall '99
MWF 9:05-9:55
Center Hall 113

P.D. Magnus
Office: H&SS 7055
Office hours: 10:30-noon MW

Teaching Assistant:
Casey Schroeder
Office: H&SS 8073
Office hours: 10:00-11 F

Text: Bergmann, Moor, Nelson. The Logic Book. McGraw Hill, 3rd ed.


Two mid-term exams, plus a cumulative final exam.
Seven short quizzes. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

20% - Quiz average
20% - Exam I
20% - Exam II
40% - Final


10/1 Introduction

I. Symbolization

10/4 review (Ch 2-3)
10/6 more review
10/8 predicates (Ch 7.1-2)
10/11 quantifiers (Ch 7.4)
10/13 definition of a wff (7.5)
10/15 symbolization (7.6)
10/18 more symbolization (7.7)
10/20 still more symbolization (7.8)
10/22 identity (7.9)

10/25 Exam #1

II. Proof Theory

10/27 review of natural deduction (Ch 5)
10/29 more review
11/1 universal elimination, existential introduction (Ch 10.1)
11/3 existential elimination, universal introduction (Ch 10.1-10.2)
11/5 derived rules (10.5)
11/8 rules for identity (10.6)
11/10 proof strategy (10.4)
11/12 proof theoretic concepts (10.3)

III. Semantics

11/15 semantics from propositions to predicates (Ch 3)

11/17 Exam #2

11/19 models (8.1)
11/22 more on models (8.2)
11/24 TBA
11/29 yes, models again (8.3)
12/1 validity (8.4)
12/3 identity (8.6)
12/6 the definition of truth (8.7)
12/8 more on truth
12/10 semantics and proof theory: soundness and completeness

Monday, 12/13 at 8:00-11:00 AM