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Introduction to Logic
Philosophy 210L
Fall 2004, MWF 10:25-11:20, HU-123
Professor: P.D. Magnus
Campus phone 2-4251
Office hours: T 1:00-2:00, W 2:45-3:45,
and by appointment
Text: Bergmann, Moor, Nelson.
The Logic Book. McGraw Hill, 4th ed.
There will be five short quizzes throughout the term. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
45% Quizzes
15% Midterm exam 1
15% Midterm exam 2
25% Final exam
No make-up exams or quizzes will be permitted without a documented medical excuse. Students who miss an exam with a legitimate excuse should e-mail me
as soon as possible.
Cheating will not be tolerated.
The schedule of topics is an approximation, but the dates of quizzes and exams will not change.
- M 8/30
- Introduction
- W 9/1
- natural language (ch 1)
I. Sentential logic
- F 9/3
- sentences and connectives (2.1)
- M 9/6
- symbolization (2.2)
- W 9/8
- more symbolization
- F 9/10
- QUIZ 1
- M 9/13
- definition of a wff (2.4)
II. Semantics: Truth tables
- W 9/15
- truth tables (3.1)
- F 9/17
- M 9/20
- 3.2-3.5
- W 9/22
- 3.6
- F 9/24
- QUIZ 2
III. Predicate logic
- M 9/27
- predicates (Ch 7.1-2)
- W 9/29
- quantifiers (Ch 7.4)
- F 10/1
- definition of a wff (7.5)
- M 10/4
- symbolization (7.6)
- W 10/6
- more symbolization (7.7)
- F 10/8
- EXAM 1
- M 10/11
- still more symbolization (7.8)
IV. Semantics: Models
- W 10/13
- models (8.1)
- F 10/15
- more on models (8.2-3)
- M 10/18
- validity (8.4)
- W 10/20
- identity (8.6)
- F 10/22
- QUIZ 3
- M 10/25
- the definition of truth (8.7)
- W 10/27
- more on truth
V. Proof Theory
- F 10/29
- natural deduction (5.1)
- M 11/1
- continued
- W 11/3
- proof strategy (5.2, 5.4)
- F 11/5
- QUIZ 4
- M 11/8
- derived rules(5.5)
- W 11/10
- universal E, existential I (10.1)
- F 11/12
- existential E, universal I (10.1-2)
- M 11/15
- proof theoretic concepts (5.3, 10.3)
- W 11/17
- derived rules (10.5)
- F 11/19
- EXAM 2
- M 11/22
- continued
- WF 11/24-26
- M 11/29
- rules for identity (10.6)
- W 12/1
- proof strategy in PL (10.4)
- F 12/3
- QUIZ 5
- M 12/6
- semantics and proof theory: soundness and completeness
- W 12/8
- Conclusion