Philosophy 210
Fall 2008, TuTh 1:15-2:35
Room: LC-23
Professor: P.D. Magnus
Campus phone: x2-4251
Office hours: W 11:00-noon, Th 2:45-3:45, and by appointment in HU-258B
TA: Wes McMichael
Campus phone: x2-4257
Office hours Tu 10:00-11:00 (HU-255), Fri 1:00-2:00, and by appointment
There will be six short quizzes throughout the term. Quizzes will be handed out in class. Students are responsible for completing quizzes and handing them in on or before the meeting indicated.
30% Quizzes
30% Midterm exam
40% Final exam
If students can find a substantive error in the textbook, then they are encouraged to point it out to the professor. The first student to report any particular error will receive a bonus equal to 1 point on a midterm exam.
No make-up exams or quizzes will be permitted without a documented medical excuse. Students who miss an exam with a legitimate excuse should e-mail me as soon as possible.
Cheating will not be tolerated.
Logic sits on the cusp of humanistic and formal disciplines. As such, this course may be used to fulfill the general education requirement for Humanities or for Mathematics. For more about General Education courses, see
The schedule of topics is an approximation, but the dates of quizzes and exams will not change.
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