Philosophy 210
Spring 2012, MoWeFr 11:30–12:25
Room: LC 4
E-mail: pmagnus<at>
Office phone: (518) 945-8252
Office: HU-258B
Office hours: M 12:30–1:30, Tu 11:00–noon, and by appointment
E-mail: jyin<at>
Campus phone: x2-4257
Office: HU-255
Office hours: We 1:40–2:40, Th 1:00–2:00, and by appointment
∙ The textbook for this course, forall x, is available on-line at
It is written to be a physical book, and you should print a copy. It has problems at the ends of the chapters, some solutions in an appendix, and reference tables in the back.
I have not made it available in the bookstore, because they would have charged you $27.15 plus tax. It will be cheaper for you to print it yourself even at 15¢ per page.
∙ We will be using the iClicker system for in-class quiz-taking and polling. You will need to have and register an iClicker to get credit for quizzes and polls. You can purchase an iClicker remote from the campus bookstore.
There will be three midterm exams and a final exam.
Each component of the course will figure in your final grade:
15% clicker quizzes/participation
20% first midterm
20% second midterm
20% third midterm
25% final exam
You are responsible for getting the iClicker, registering it, bringing it to class each day, and using it. Not having it with you means not getting credit for that day.
More information is available at the ITS Help Desk in LC 27 and at
If students can find a substantive error in the textbook, then they are encouraged to point it out to the professor. The first student to report any particular error will receive a bonus equal to 1 point on a midterm exam.
No make-up exams or quizzes will be permitted without a documented medical excuse. Students who miss an exam with a legitimate excuse should e-mail me as soon as possible.
∙ Cheating will not be tolerated. Copying answers from another student during an exam, consulting notes on an exam, or using an absent student’s iClicker to signal answers are all strictly forbidden. If you are caught doing any of these, you will get a failing grade for the course.
∙ Logic sits on the cusp of humanistic and formal disciplines. As such, this course may be used to fulfill the general education requirement for Humanities or for Mathematics. For more about General Education courses, see
The schedule of topics is an approximation, but the dates of quizzes and exams will not change.