Ruth Boeker’s syllabus for teaching early modern philosophy is featured today at the Blog of the APA.
Ruth was a visiting assistant professor here in Albany several years ago, and her current practice reflects things she did here. Our campus teaching center has been a big promoter of Team-Based Learning for many years. She first encoutnered it here and recommends, as further reading on TBL for anyone interested, a pair of articles written by our local experts. (One of whom is Philosophy PhD alum Kimberly Van Orman.)
So, yay! Cheers to all.
Whoa. I’m very glad to have followed this link, and its mentions of Elisabeth. At first I thought it was referring to her mother, Elizabeth Stuart, whose main contribution to history was to arguably cause the 30 Year’s War by convincing her husband Frederick, Elector Palatine, to accept the Bohemian crown: “I’d rather eat sauerkraut with a king than roast meat with an elector”. But then I realized that the Elisabeth in question is the daughter of Elizabeth and Frederick, who I knew nothing about. Definitely worthy of some further exploration.