Before I started this blog, I posted for more than a decade at Footnotes on Epicycles. The blog software I was using was somebody’s indie programming project, and they had stopped maintaining it years before I migrated over here. Sometime in the last month— possibly due to a server update— the code finally stopped working. So I spent some time over the last couple of days hacking together a solution which makes all the old posts available at most of the same URLs.1
If you want to poke around over there, I’ve also added an archive page.2
- In case you’re curious: A Python script which applied a ton of regular expressions to the blog files, generating static HTML for the posts and comments. Some crude PHP on the site to display that HTML in response to queries.
- I realize blogs aren’t really a thing anymore. I notice with a sigh that it’s been almost five years since John Holbo quipped, “Remember when there were blogs? Ah, those were the good old days.”