UPDATE: I have sent my list off to Evan, so response to this post would no longer be timely.
Would you like to be a critic at an author-meets-critics session organized around A Philosophy of Cover Songs?
Evan Malone is organizing such a session for the Rocky Mountain ASA in July 2024. Here’s my dilemma: I don’t want to just suggest the usual suspects, because diversity would be nice. But it feels awfully presumptuous to suggest people I don’t know, because maybe they have no interest in reading my book.
With this post, I sunder the dilemma by asking the whole internet whether they’d be interested in presenting. If you are, reach out and let me know.
No guarantees, because there won’t be time for the whole internet to present, but I will send a list of possible participants to Evan on August 10. Let me know before then, and your name will be on it.