This Was Your Life!, originally released in 1972, is Chick Publications' flagship tract. Translated into 65 different languages, you can buy copies in anything from Blue Hmong to Tagalog. Some translations of the text are just the original art with alternate text, but others include art redrawn to match Jack Chick's conception the ethnic identity of people who speak that language. We can learn a lot about racial identity by examining these editions.
Chick, like all good storytellers, puts a kernel of the entire story in each part, making it possible to extract a tract's pedagogical content from just a portion of the story. A familiar dictum holds that there are three-- and only three-- lessons to be learned from any story. For each version of This Was Your Life! below, the three (3) lessons can be drawn from just the first page.
The comics themselves are © Jack Chick. They are quoted here in some semblance of fair use. The text is ©2000 P.D. Magnus.
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