Gaming Stuff
This part of my website was initially mostly about role-playing and miniatures, but over the years boardgames took over.
My games
- My Ludography: A (mostly) complete list of my game-related publications
- Trumps, Sheep, and Old Dice: My gaming blog at BoardgameGeek
I have designed a number of games. Some of them have pages on this website.
- Ambagibus: A solitaire game about mazes
- Bastard: A trick-taking game that some friends and I designed in high school
- F'Earth: A silly, nim-like game.
- Fortune's Colony and Planetfall: Planetary exploration with paper or plastic dice, respectively.
- Go*Mofasta: A two-player game that uses a go board and a little deck of cards.
- International Philosophy Grudgematch: A fast-playing two-player boardgame simulating a football match between teams of French and German Philosophers.
- Snow Bocce: A lawn game for winter days.
- The Decktet: Six suits and a thousand uses
- The Blue Sea and Proxy Suits decks: Semi-traditional suits and ranks decks
Game Variants
- Poker Variants: Clever ways to lose your money.
- Epic Duels stuff: A ton of widgets and gimcracks to add to the game Star Wars Epic Duels. New decks, new maps, and scenarios.
- Sentinels stuff: New decks and a randomizer for Sentinels of the Multiverse.
- Spirit Island stuff: Spirits and adversaries for the cooperative settler destruction game.
Here are some reviews, along with an assortment of house rules, bonus games, and whatnot.
- Battle of the Bands: Dan Smith's rock-and-roll card game; including a review of the game's second edition and some of our house rules
- Dime Heroes: a double-entendre 'pulp' RPG
- Fortune's Colony: My game, reviewed by Rich Pizor
- Points in Space 1: S John Ross' space opera tour de force; plus rules for the solitaire game One-handed Emoch
Role-playing games
I have played a lot of old-school, tabletop RPGs. I started with D&D. In late highschool and college, I played primarily GURPS. In grad school, I played the home-brew Élané, Amber, Adventure, and more D&D. Here is some RPG stuff.
- Élané: Maps, campaign notes, and a bevy of characters
- The Supers World: Comments on history, the legal system, and so on from my long-running, super-heroic GURPS game.
- Heroic Settings: Some maps and commentary from the aforementioned super-hero game.
- British Space: A steampunk setting in which I set only a few adventures.
- The Strange Case of Fabio: The story of a peculiar character in a short-lived Time Travel campaign.
- Samuel Mercury: A fairy and a vampire in a world friendly to neither.
- Amber: We had a brief flirtation with diceless roleplaying. Here you can find sketches and stories from that campaign.
- Dark Dungeons: The warning about occult books that Jack Chick doesn't want you to see.
- Metal and Plastic: I collected and painted miniatures for years. Most of my collection is in storage, but you can see some of it here.
- Vector Heroes: Originally released in 1999, these paper miniatures of cunning design were my first attempt at vector-graphical, electronic paper minis. They are now available free.
- Planet of the Paper People: A monthly column I drew and wrote for RPGnet, 2003-4. Regular helpings of paper miniatures, along with characters seeds, patter, and bonus whatnot.