Ludographic Data
Where these are available on-line, I've included links.
Links marked with the trilateral icon are to items that I've written for Pyramid Magazine--
the links go to sample versions of the articles that are available to non-subscribers.
I've also given links to the BoardGameGeek and print-on-demand pages, where relevant.
Original games
See also: My profile at BoardGameGeek.
Articles and whatnot
Vector Heroes, zoömorphic paper miniatures (October 1999)
Supporting Cast: Billy "Head Shot" McGann, Pyramid Magazine (March 17, 2000)
Drek Maki. First runner up, Pokethulhu spawn contest. (September 2000)
Credited as 'Additional Creature Design' in the Pokethulhu Adventure Game, now in a third edition from Cumberland Games.
Subplots: An Expansion for Before I Kill You, Mr. Bond..., Pyramid Magazine (February 2, 2001)
Dino Rampage: Send 'Em Back Alive, Pyramid Magazine (April 20, 2001)
Appendix Z: The Space Opera Name Generator, Pyramid Magazine (September 21, 2001)
Cardboard Anti-Heroes: Paper Pawns For Use With Kill Doctor Lucky, Pyramid Magazine (March 8, 2002)
Planet of the Paper People, monthly column, RPGnet (July 2003- March 2004)
Appendix Z: Six Ways to Build a Mystery, Pyramid Magazine (April 8, 2005)