...... news ......

The rolling stone, moss, et cetera

23mar2008: Near the end of last year, I finally admitted that this newsbox on my homepage has all the marks of a personal blog: infrequent updates, incoherent musings on most updates, boring ramblings when coherent, and few actual readers. So I admitted to myself that it's a blog and tweaked the scripts so as to heave entry titles and permalinks.

Today I was noodling around in Photoshop and decided to replace the triptych image which had formed the masthead of this page. I realized, to my surprise, that it had been here as the primary image since at least the year 2000. A series of different triptych images preceded it, so the collapse to a single me in the sidebar is something like the end of an era. (Eras are cheap, of course, and they end all the time. It's just that some of them, like this one, kick me in the shins on their way out the door.)

Tomorrow... who knows?


This is an item from the homepage news box. You can browse through such items on the old news page.