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Fury beats two pair

[game box] 19jul2008: Last night we had several people over for sushi and games. We were playtesting poker games with the Decktet. The games themselves, although playable, were awkward. They played more choppily than regular-deck poker, without exploiting any of the novel properties of the Decktet. I think it's a game dev dead end.

That's success for a playtest, though; played, tested, learned. And the food was yummy, and everyone had a good time. So success on all fronts.

In other Decktet related news: John made a game box, which I've posted with his permission. The cover of it is on the right. I've added the games Ransom Trump and Divers Weights (two successful games that were not among the ones playtested last night.) I've posted Fortune Letters and Fortune Widgets (the two custom fonts used in making the Decktet.)


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